Monday, November 17, 2008

Politics and the Chrtistian Part 3

It's been a minute since my last post, and luckily the free world is not depending on me for up to the minuet news breaks. I competed in a student mock trial competition earlier this month, and spend the few weeks before the election preparing for it. As it was, I was unable to keep current with my blogging.

But the election is over. Senator Barack Obama won resoundingly over Senator John McCain. The contest was over before 11pm on election night, which has been uncommon, the past few presidential elections. The country is in a transition from the Bush presidency to the Obama presidency, and that transition is rocky to say the least. The world's markets are collapsing... as they always seem to do every 8-10 years, and yet, everyone is "surprised" at the state of the economy. Particularly an economy that is built on the concept of credit. But that is another rant for another day. Unemployment is going up, and the world seems to be precipitously hanging on the edge of some new crisis.

Like all world leaders, President-elect Obama will have his hands full. We often envision a world with no wars, no hunger, no financial collapse, no political ruin, and no chaos. But that is not the reality that has been consistently outlined in the Bible. Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind AND the Judge of all creation, personally and through His messengers, has referred to Satan as the "prince of this world" ( John 12:31;14:30;16:11), the "prince of the power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2), and the "god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4).  Peter, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, warned believers to "be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour". 1 Peter 5:8. Satan is also called "the father of lies" ( John 8:44), and "a murderer" ( John 8:44). In the Book of Job, we see a detailed account of how Satan instigates, and takes part in the attempted destruction of an innocent man, in an attempt to antagonize God. Job Chapter 1.

I say all of this to say that, any hope in a different outcome of the world’s problems is naïve and misplaced. God, for a season, is allowing Satan a certain level of control over the Earth. This includes the Earth’s political system, the economic systems, and the minds of the unsaved across the face of the Earth. In the end, mankind will be witness to the greatest and most anticipated battle in the history of creation, between God and Satan which will take place at Armageddon. Until then however, there will be a large degree of instability and chaos. This is not to say that the election of the President of the United States is an insignificant event. Particularly the first African-American elected president in the same country that outlawed slavery only 146 years ago, and continued to marginalize African-Americans in varying degrees since then. But President Obama is not Jesus, and as man, he is of limited resources to fix what truly ails the world. Granted, a godly man engages in the things of God, for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. But again, it is God who works to resolve those issues. And it will be God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, who will one day, fix all that ails the world. It is He, who should be our source of hope and security in times of uncertainty.

Be blessed.


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